Saturday, June 30, 2012

The storm's a brewin', or maybe not.

Well, it's been awhile but I'm back.

There has been a lot rocking and rolling within my yoga community. It’s been a stellar opportunity to look back at experiences and knowledge I gleaned from that chapter of my yoga path. It has been a time of looking again at my beliefs of how I see the world working and checking into myself to see if those beliefs still ring true from where I sit today.

I think that my yoga method spent a lot of time talking about the "sunshine days" of life. In fact for a while I held the belief along with most of my yoga comrades that the_sunshine_was_our_essence. Here of course, I am identifying "sunshine" as this overarching "good" within us and all around. From where I sit today, I'm not so sure.

So one night I started relating my experiences within the past year to the weather I see when I am in the ocean surfing or paddling. I have seen it all. Days that take your breath away with warm, humid air, not a whisper of breeze and the crimson sun about to splash into the great big blue. The sunshine day. Other times, it’s been anything but. 15 footers that want to nail you to the bottom of the ocean. Days where the current and chop make you feel like an ant in the swirl of a toilet bowl. Every day we "paddle out" into life, there are no guarantees. Might be gnarly, might not be. It could be anything.

So if nature has the ability to weave herself into every and any potential of weather, if she is fluctuating and in a constant tide of change, why would the world inside be any different than that which is outside?

My point is that I now recognize, it's_the_everything. The weather of the heart, the weather on the ocean, it always changes and it will continue to do so. I have found tremendous comfort in that revelation. Our essence is neither "sunshine" or "storm", it's every combination imagined and yet to be.

So let the summer sun warm my skin, let the torrents of rain push me back into shelter. I will take it all, happily. It is in the embracing of whatever is on the horizon that feels like I am doing "my yoga".

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