Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Leave the Door Cracked....

In my yoga teaching lately, I’ve been contemplating the idea of “absolute”. For when something is absolute it can never be anything other. Many times when I invite people out to come paddle with me the response I get is “I never go in the ocean” or “I totally don’t do cold water”. There is a myriad of answers that in short say “I’m absolutely not getting on a board with you!”. I get it, it’s not summer yet, the water is chilly, the ocean can be a daunting entity. I can’t help to think when someone makes such a strong proclamation, that they may be missing out. Myself included.
I’ve had a lot of absolutes in my life. I absolutely don’t eat meat. I absolutely don’t do hot yoga. Both are open for discussion nowadays. Why? Because life is short and I am REALLY into the “maybe” as of late. The “maybe” opens the door, it keeps the potential for dialogue, transformation and conversation. The same can be said for “truth”. The truth is as I see it, constantly changes. What is true today may very well not be tomorrow. It makes me excited and a bit giddy to think that something I cling onto dearly as “my way” or “the truth” may be completely dissipated with in a moment or a year. How exciting! The door is open, my ears, eyes, mind and heart are open. The “let’s see” vantage point, I’m realizing, is one of the most potent and fertile places to be.
So the next time someone asks you if you’d like to _______. Maybe you can pause and leave the door just a little cracked. Life is flows faster with every passing day and there is so much out there to experience. I personally hope the crack in my door eventually becomes a substantial opening to let more in….With love, Erin.

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